Digital Ireland issues Call For 'Digital First' Day Volunteers

18 October 2022 By Unknown Author

Digital First Day Call For Volunteers

As Ireland’s inaugural ‘Digital First’ Day approaches Digital Ireland Network (powered by Connected Hubs) have launched a call for volunteers to help members of the Connected Hubs network stage their events for the big day.

There are plenty of different ways people who are passionate about their home town can show their support this ‘Digital First’ Day. Volunteers with skills in digital marketing, social media, ecommerce, social enterprise, fund raising, event organising are just some of the areas of expertise that would be very welcome on the day.

There are many ways to make an hour or two of your time count for your favourite  Connected Hub. When it comes to the event that hubs are organising the inputs they are seeking include guest speakers, workshop facilitators, event organiser, in fact all skills are welcome that help the goal of enabling more businesses, social enterprises and localities to gain the benefits of digital growth. And don’t worry, hubs are happy with as much or as little of your time as you can commit to this ‘Digital First’ Day.

Many people with skills that can help their locality have already offered their support for the  day. Patrick Cusack, who is a Modern Work Architect at Microsoft Ireland, is volunteering his time to help the new Connected Hub in Kilrush. Breige Grogan, an eCommerce & Digital Marketing Expert, is volunteering her time to help Connected Hubs in Clare as a guest speaker. John O'Shanahan, who is a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, is volunteering his time to help Connected Hubs in Limerick as a guest speaker or workshop facilitator as is Ailish Irvine, a Social Enterprise Consultant, who is volunteering her time to help Connected Hubs in Mayo.

At their recent hackathon Microsoft Ireland teams set about creating innovative ways to unlock staff volunteerism at Microsoft to lend their skills to Connected Hubs that will be delivering events on ‘Digital First’ Day. It is anticipated that 50+ staff from Microsoft Ireland will give of their time to help make a success of this national event.

So be part of making a difference for your locality and contribute a couple of hours of your time to your local Connected Hub. Who knows what partnerships might come out of it!

To register your interest in getting involved as a volunteer please jot your details down here -